Sustainable Health, Agriculture, Land Rights Advocacy, General Protection and Economic Empowerment (SHAPE Liberia) was established in 2016, after her funders from diverse professional backgrounds who were privileged to have been trained, worked with national and international organizations with focus on land rights advocacy, mediation, conflict management, dispute resolution, training and capacity building programs in Liberia.
SHAPE-Liberia was established with the sole intention of providing advocacies strategies and approaches conducting training and awareness on issues affecting urban, rural, remote, marginalized and underprivileged communities in these key sectors – Public Awareness/Education, Protection, Agriculture and Livelihood Empowerment to enhance citizens actualize their full potential and become self-reliance through the following
Programmatic areas:
• Advocate and Educate Stakeholders and Disadvantaged population on issues surrounding women and girls denial to property/land
• Capacity building of rural community dwellers to adequately benefit their community natural resources
• Create Public Health Awareness on disease prevention, improve water and sanitation
• Enrichment of Rural Agriculture best practices in Liberia to enhance maximum
productivity in the agro-sector
• Provide Livelihood skills for rural community dwellers to become self-reliance
When we became operation
SHAPE-Liberia became operational as a National Not-for-profit Organization following its registration and Accreditation on 27th April, 2018 by the Government of Liberia