Our Impact



SHAPE-Liberia implements projects that align with its core mission – to create and deliver innovative services which empower communities to achieve excellence. Because our vision is a community driving oriented programs aimed at empowering under privilege population with opportunities to better their lives, communities, and societies. We proudly implement these projects in some of the most challenging environments in the country.

SHAPE-Liberia interventions had significantly impacted the lives of underprivileged and disadvantaged population in rural communities in Nimba County through training, Land Dispute Mediation including survey, Policy Advocacy. As a result of our intervention over the years, we had documented over 180 individual and high profile land dispute cases and resolved 119 cases. Additionally, SHAPE-Liberia trained 72 former and informer justice actors on Land Rights related topics and sensitized through radio talk shows an estimated 45,000 direct and indirect populations across Nimba County.

We deliver high-quality aid where needs are greatest. When we started our advocacy efforts after meeting our legal requirements

In 2018, humanitarian needs were critical. They still are – and we’re still there, advocating for people with property rights issues and supporting them as they regain their status as community members and a new future..

We stand up for people in need of equal rights. SHAPE-Liberia is a determined advocate for people regardless of sex, ethnicity, religion, economic status or political affiliation. When we witness injustices, we intervene/alert the appropriate legal authority. We promote and defend people's rights and dignity in local communities, with national governments and in the international arena.

Preserving dignity

The community people we work with are strong, dignified and resourceful. Most are able and willing to fend for themselves. But sometimes, when a person has lost everything, it can be hard to retain a sense of dignity and confidence. We work with them to make sure that the support they and their children receive is just and legally protected to meet their particular needs.

Defending rights

We help them find safety and hope in their new situation, no matter their age, gender, ethnicity, religious or political beliefs, or disabilities.